Golf swing underhand throw
Golf swing underhand throw

Find the straight line in your swing and change it to a circle. Eventually I get them in a golf posture so that circle can hit the ground. It's amazing what a nice circle most people make. Once they understand some basic set-up fundamentals, I have them pretend to hit a ball waist high.

golf swing underhand throw

My lesson to a beginner student is quite simple. Moving the club in a circular path on a reasonable plane allows for several key components in the golf swing:ġ) It creates the proper bottom of the swingĢ) It allows you to hit the correct amount of groundģ) It gives you a chance to square the clubface This would be similar to a side arm pitching motion. Jim Hardy, my mentor and Haney's as well, says that golf is a game played from side-on so the swinging motion needs to be on an arc.


This was awesome advice which I use to this day whether teaching full swing or short game. As I was watching him teach one day, he said: "Josh, if you want to know what is wrong with the someone's swing, find the straight line". My first boss in the golf instruction business was Hank Haney who used to coach Mark O'Meara and Tiger Woods. Hogan hit it dead straight and his swing is on a circular path! The club head is on the target line for a split second at impact and then immediately leaves it to continue on a circle. Just look at this image of Hogan half way into his follow through.

golf swing underhand throw

One of my biggest pet peeves is when a golf announcer says that the player hits it straight because he keeps his club on the target line for so long. In fact, circles produce straight shots while straight swings produce curved shots. We would all love to hit the ball straight but ironically it's the desire to do things in a linear method that leads to problems in the golf swing.

Golf swing underhand throw